“A different world cannot be built by indifferent people”--- Harace Mann

Seriously, how much effort does it take to look for a dustbin and throw that crumpled piece of paper inside a green colored one?! Absolutely not, we just can’t do that because our bones will turn to powder, the roads will consume us for dinner and the aliens might abduct us because it might just thwart their plans to see Mother Earth completely annihilated.
The apathy of the people when it comes to proper waste disposal leaves me flabbergasted. I have seen people nonchalantly throw plastic, chips packet, wrappers and ice cream sticks right outside a dustbin. And these are things which can be conveniently stuffed inside pockets or carried in our hands in case finding green and blue colored boxes is such an arduous task. It amazes me that people just don’t care enough to ensure that our surroundings are kept paper-plastic-chewing gum free. Nobody does that inside their homes then why inflict such torture on our only livable planet?!

Imagine going fast on a highway and suddenly you see something peeking out of the car in front of you and the moment you stretch your eyeballs to see what it is; that thing comes flying at your car front window and sits pretty till you don’t stop your car and take it off. This is so hair-pulling annoying that one just feels like driving the car at supersonic speed to bang it against the car which is giving comfort to people who never tire of being stupid by doing things like these. Its quite a sight; and a pathetic one at that, to see straws, Frooti packets, Lays packet with Saif giving that goofy smile, HANDKERCHIEFS (Phew) fly past you when you are driving on the highway. Why is it so bone breaking and deathly boring an activity to just keep the waste in your car till you find a proper area to throw it off? At times, I have to ask people to pick up bits of paper that is so easy to tear but difficult to dispose off properly. Other times, I had to carry ice cream sticks; tissue papers even Chewing Gum (Ewww!!) in my own pocket for some of my friends who couldn’t bear to carry it around themselves. Some give excuses for disposing BIODEGRADABLE items like fruit peels and leftovers on the road, saying that “Ohh, that will turn into dust soon”. But hello, till Mother Nature is working on her project to turn that apple into Dust, it will be lying there and that makes the area look downright ugly. I mean people wont really be jumping with joy if they see a half eaten pear (The real one) hanging from one of your vases kept on the side table. Then why such nonsensical attitude in public places?

Here environmentalist are crying themselves hoarse about impending disasters and wars because of environmental issues and we cant even make an effort to ensure that our candy wrapper is disposed off properly instead of decorating our roads and parks with it.

Spitting is another disgusting habit that drives me loony. In the middle of silent contemplation you don’t feel very peaceful when you suddenly hear that “Kraaaakk Thoooo” sound ending with red patches all over. Thank goodness, faint at sight is something that hasn’t happened yet! Walking around Connaught Place one can see white walls adorned with puke-inducing red patches coupled with the smell of ammonia!!Ugh!
Yeah, pillars of British Architecture are officially public urinals!

I believe awareness and strict fines ala Singapore with its $1000 fines for throwing trash around; can definitely bring such “Litter Spreading Crime masters” to book. Realization of the implicit effects of such callous behavior can motivate some, if not all to take positive action in this direction. Most importantly, it’s all about the Power of One. If each and every civilized person can take the initiative to ensure that their surroundings are kept clean, people around may either derive inspiration or face your ire for engaging in such behavior. After all, the responsibility lies within each one of us to ensure that our Planet is well taken care of by not allowing it to be turned into a revolving/rotating garbage sphere.