"Slow down, you crazy child you're so ambitious for a juvenile
But then if you're so smart, tell me

Why are you still so afraid?

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You'd better cool it off before you burn it out
You've got so much to do and
Only so many hours in a day "

- Billy Joel, Vienna

Neeeeeeehhhhaaaaaaaa...Palm sunday today...Wake up you twit..(Ok that was for extra effect)

Mother screams my name at the top of her voice and I'm sure people in my neighborhood were thrown out of their beds, their bells stopped ringing in the middle of daily devotion and hot milk overflowed because Mrs. Saileja next door was busy paying attention.
At times I feel "Oh Mom just let it be" especially keeping in mind how busy I like to keep my weekends. The problem with me is I just cant stay still.I have to engage myself in some little project or the other.ALWAYS.My mind runs at 1000 miles a minute because im always planning the next BIG thing even while Im still doing the NEXT BIG THING which I planned five minutes ago.

Mom always complains saying "Will you just slow down for a minute and hang out in the house like an unleashed donkey; if being like that works best for you?" Well thats exactly what im doing today.Absolute stillness.The joy of nothing-ness.I woke up late at 12.Prayed.Read.Slept some more.Cuddled my mother.Helped out in the kitchen.Oh, and I PLAN (HAHA) to make banana cake today.And this was after a long long time. I guess sometimes its just better to slow down and take things easy. I'v always been in a rush.Doing this.Doing that.

I remember this one time I went totally Nuts-zoid trying to be a cross between Superwoman and Wonderwoman.Oh boy, I had to have it all!So, I signed up for one and a half hours of yoga,one hour dance ,one hour swimming classes and add to the crazy mix my college and studies. College and studies usually took half of my day because of ongoing projects. My Haalaat* at that time is comaparable to a cleaner version of Amy Winehouse. Everything was happening so fast , at breakneck speed that I ended up breaking more than my neck! Honestly , now that I look back I wish I had EXERCISED(pun unintended) more restraint.

I wish I had taken time to enjoy one thing at a time , instead a grabbing everything that was in front of me. Now, I don't want to sound like an old woman who has thirteen cats in her house and hasn't lived her life. All I want to say is I wish I had lived more during that time instead of rushing into things. Not that I regret it because it taught me a great lesson about how PRECIOUS , how wonderful is this gift called TIME.
God blesses each day of our lives with this beautiful gift called TIME and since we go through life only once its better you enjoy every moment before its gone:)

And yeah, I will attend Palm Sunday Mass.In the evening though:)

*Haalaat - Condition